Achieving a more perfect union is an unachievable task until we remove the blemishes of racism and inequality of all forms from our society.
Our nation’s history is stained with the legacy of slavery, conquest, and oppression. But though this is how the story began, it need not be the way it ends. The story of America has always been that of two steps forward, one step back. Each day that passes adds another page to our history. Though race relations have improved over the last 50 years, there is still much work to be done. The reality is, people of color still suffer higher rates of inequality of income, wealth, criminal justice, education, healthcare, and much more. With hopefully centuries or more remaining in our society’s lifespan, let’s work to make the turmoil of today a distant memory for our grandchildren, who can bask in a true American Dream that is available to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, class, or any other form of identity other than human.